Dark Night of the

Night atramentous 

Tremendous dispelling

Light falling like salient shelling

Turned Earth. Tail Fires bright

Lightworker the Night’s Caesar

Seizure of midnight assets diamonds countless faceted

Slent its trajectory

Blent day to night, strange leopard light

New lantern new record heats, new ores fountain

Earth itself a saltern and what’s left at end alchemically altered

A petri dish though furnished well a pet’s demesne 

That lantern light little more than our alterer’s laboratory light

The sky’s white his lab coat or glass-shielded eye whites

Science of Cain or of Yakub, insane creed for hate cult 

Front of faith for the failed, craft’s inception end result

How fallen we haver our own doings impossible seeming

Ends with dim dreaming, remit of ‘pium-eaters, beaming

Builders came from Planet X whose orbit’s length deny its existence

Avalanche-cauling antient achievement, antichrist’s alchemical diamond the adder’s antimony.

Overrides us the song of the comet, overhead tumultuous 

Its flaming cirrhus like a fluttering oriflamme

Chagrin of mythical flambeau at dismal bouquet

Less at the unveiling of supreme majesty

Telemetry NASA surpassing, glides void like creating spirit

Poseidon saw its shadow upon the dome of his domain and shuddered

Glad of the sea’s shelter, altar which birthed life, thanks uttered

Sheer size of shadow sailing, undoing time’s passage, forcing moment backward

Triumph overturns, kingly waves not seen since punishments meting

Due the King, rank-flanked and mite-ridden, his rags rouged with Roman cruelty

Returned at last the dome of glass inward breaking, spiralling shards rain onto a ruled sea

Grid of waves casting glyphs which solfège above discerns, descries, decodes, replies

Expulsion from chapel the recalcitrant student repeatedly truant thrown out in revulsion

Propulsed by sheer ire the wide worbling gyre barrel-rolled to his desire

His behest the fates did their bit, tired the Norn’s twisted wrists at his fast advance

Warping, like Hibernian Houndslayer passes the binary star Sirius while spasming

Raising alarms, his coming culling of nations. Waling between worlds, he is wind incarnate

Each aperture entryway his form amorphous morphing to fit lock, shefting immovables

Wanchancy what world he chooses on whim, his decision a whip crack to that land’s back.

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