
How dare he who notes your tardiness, generally truancy, aloofness, pig-headedness, strong

To a fault; digression – traits mine alone to expound upon

That no other man might tarnish careful-wrought reputation, writ by mine tongue and your own,

From without, passing judgement on what is mine alone

To judge..

Writ cross the convex mount of the idol gifted for your birthday; 

‘Don’t worry, Pa. He ain’t heavy, he’s m’brother.’

When comes the day one falls between two, presume you before I given sentiments past expressed

Hoisted then upon lithe flank made broad and oaken by brotherly love, I’ll carry thee to thy bidden address.

When there upon the threshold stumbling, a voice echoes knelling journeys halt,

Whispered yet cavernous, rumbling, carried far to and further beyond my ear, behind ring of salt

We stand, boot tips fast behind lines unsubtle, what man clean of soul knows God

o’er the voice of Lucifer; knowledge arcane, enigmatic, for those of queerer-plod.

In a moment appearing as a pillar from heaven, white-flashes, many beatings

Wings like reeds lazily thrashing humid air at pharaoh’s court,

Such a host of devils to see at first horrifies, but soon rewards my trepidation as red-things like linnets pass not the confined salt fort.

Waiting storms end encircled, ensorcelled I watch grey talons tear the air about my countenance, feeling nothing as if t’were covered by plate or helm,

Draped upon that mound of briar slick with oil and shining I place broken form, cast glance to the foot where you fell

To find disappeared the snaking paths which I ascended against all weathers, with ruined facsimile of man my burden,

Tumbled are the stones which gave purchase, obscured are the echoes of my footfalls beneath reeds, tricked have I been, brought without hope of returning,

Upon this hill of old where lay men alongside those of kith and kin. Thrice arising I was felled, 

Knee set toward damp moss, alas my descent halted prior to contact, stayed by the hand of God

Silence, sepulchral, ponderous; is that you, brother i hear calling? Every journey I have traced your steps but this, now go alone.

No I hear you say, or do I? An thoughts echo, nothing more. One tear snakes across my cheek as river over pebbled bed, hillside, windblown.

Who dares now note your rudeness, selfishness, how in life you cared no jot for others

Upon seeing the wretched visage of your sibling, broken inwardly as you have been outwardly, hacking coughs from mother,

No other dares tarnish careful-wrought reputation, presently writ by my tongue alone.

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