
Hook nosed with rod crooked

God-favoured blood hissing 

God selects favourites from among his constructions

Fortune’s favourites, in like flavour 

The bloodlines of his nearest dearest host mostly beloved beloved most.

Each artful dizzying of the clockface marking countless deep time epochs

Suffering the Mosaic Hebrews were plagued by a pox

They wailed at walls and prayed the intercession of rocks

Idols his brother made

Idles my brother made.

Sick-ridding ophidian cruciform, thou hast attained godhood

Sash of puce mist wound around a spinal column like a tinsel decorated bannister

Wild-eyed essenes raised on locusts, desert locus in father’s footsteps

Focusing the midbrow, shut eye sight.

Sheep-tending wolves circle the pen

Lycantic overtures layer the night

Mellifluous her movements, Selene’s discretion pales to her vast mystery church.

Seven oceans which are a single mass, a ring of seven peaks gaoling them

Living inside a miniature, the world resting between the rays on Apollo’s head

Stones from the tower weighting his robes, Aaron wades into the sea

Slowly surely dipping toes

His plastered shin hair beneath lifted robe

Abundant more than his tonsure’s scant halo

The sea in violent throes repels him, throws him back to shore

The sea is silent when he goes.

Dark as a shadow’s shadow

A stone props it open a bedside locker an unapproved bible

What Babylon calls apocrypha

What saints call truth

What the dispossessed call life

A book whose ceaseless song abounds through history

Presaged in antique tales.

In every rotation of time’s wheel, certain events will come to pass

Notes unmissable in the song of happenings

Always a bird will betray the hiding place of a holy man

Always cunning folk of diminutive stature will depose a race of uncunning giants, inheriting a missized world.

Did Jesus in boundless goodness ever feel his friendship unequalled 

None upon this Earth shall consider for me as I for them

None dwell here save who would exploit me

Drape me like drying furs on the snakepole, saving who would exploit me

All holy men are lonely but not all lonely men are holy.

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