Instructions For A Wake

Venerate my demise

Venerate me at my demise

Whether I was a miser hard on dimes

A master charmer fixed on dames

A mixer and hod carrier fixing Dame Street

Bury me like I was a king

Abounding fires let girdle the spot

Vile earth in paces measured

Payments eclipse my sightless eyes boatman’s tithe

Sticks in the ground and oil rags wound round holding the fires

Styx underground, fourth of five rivers which heard Orpheus’ lyres

Bury me and feast merrily, blossoms garland and berries, mead and meat

Mete out portion, meet old friends, apportion out my demesne

My domain is not here anymore but some sense of me remains

Called to this event at which I am the Main

Like a shaved lion remanes, I will regrow and recome.

Bury me like I was a saint, next to a saint

Let my cot be vile but let not earthly doings taint

What should be a splendrous, wondrous affair;

Have it like a fair with attractions and abundant chortling.

When the christchild comes with his pounding angeldrums

When Eden’s feeding rivers dry. Sounds out an eerie ceaseless thrum

Saints will spring up fully formed, and those proximed have life given 

Cordon off a place for me, make sure the ground be six feet riven

With myroblytes and bilocators, I’ll await the Son arisen.

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