Indecisive Patriarchs (Yesah Noah)

Standing at the gates, a Lamassu

Second rate your llama zoo

Te llamo who?

The ark the ark upon the waves, below the graveless dead unsaved and unsavoury

Doubt is a slavery, that God didn’t make me, doubt daily rapes me

The voice guiding this vessel perilous, this violent earth; the sons of Pelias

Dripping, Noah upon the deck whose nakedness is as a gorgon’s mock

Waves knock her clinkered sides, withershins the many miles out here are noughts

The troubled lineage is severed from the healthy seed as if by glaive heaven wielded and welded

The saved, he says, will erect a shrine where the lance of the first new sun shines

Below deck the children of nations, the nations of children, the notions of children, casting coloured stones to divine

The Will of one who is this Will in mind, this Will of mine, will mine

Amount to anything or sink like the rest, bubbles at other end despite trying level best.

First frost the glass loud grass of term’s final class, stripped trees crass 

First frost no sign of Nixon; Nick busy with nixers, his son’s new Nikon acquired

Footfalls the Christmas Father’s arrival; sliding slates that Nick’s on

Tinsel from a Cornish mine guarding branches like an aggravated serpent

Money lent is money spent, bidden guided arghoslent

All lights and dazzle and illusion of overeffulgence, angel topped the baubles on

Babylong ting the cold cuts still years away from serving time

My vengeance a henge’s patience strengthening below the lights 

How he makes bank – growsmaryJ and grime, alchemy infinite dimes

The drank distilled the field is tilled the low stone chair where Corn Kings are killed

Brine in great store the abating storm the form of land from denseclouds born

Hark hark the height of land, hard by here the Isle of Sharks.

Couch of cudchew NPCs, clapping festive idents on BBC

Could you fill an empty seat with all the things they do not see

With plastic guns I BB see but the Old Bill seek APB

John Lewis advert is your year’s emotional highpoint

Stand the one named Spartacus but only I point

Mystical blood thrilling from a wound, the legionnaire’s enchanted spearpoint

Waves at seapoint inviting gooseflesh on Christmas morning, homefires warming

Cold bird in cooling vat, eating bird in nearby flat, bold cloud hues warning

Unmask wolves before counting sheep, wolf wakes when farmer sleeps.

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