Dark America

Vast complex of American misadventure

Stairwell lined with tall portraits

Depicting naked terrorists reposed like ill-used catamites

Forming uncomfortable pyramids of their flesh

Two quid flash of disposable camera post-torture 

Pyramid walls bloody with mishandling.

Wars, rumours thereof

A desert stormed is a desert reformed

Boots recycling dunes, new kingdoms rising

The wake of old places, the waking dust, the waiting consequence

Vast hangars wherein master masons direct the construction of devious craft

Designed to deceive, their alien hulls sleek, married to our presumptions of the future

This is the future; Should requiring fail, compel.

Padlocked bins for the disposal of augmented children

At a tantrum, at slight provocation, toxified by their increased facility to produce adrenaline

Should requiring fail, compel; fighting fail, flee then different story tell.

Drone footage IMAX vivid, conspirators’ faces little belying the antiquity of their resident souls.

Wide eyed the fire frazzled GIs file in

Filofax all death until June

Seen what’s vile, the violent rank and file

Inhaling wonder from a rifle barrel, sigh it in

Haunting Laurel Canyon sounds, Hardy men bopping, the officer’s mess violin

Drowned out by CCR, coughing so much they threaten CPR.

Over by Christmas this and every war

Eight nine Tet, tents alive and night riotous 

The doors to war myriad the dooms of war Iliad

Voodoo jungle at dance, napalm perfume arrests me

The chemical kids, their erroneously tallied digits stupefied at the feel of a sticky rice grain squeezed between forefinger and thumbs

Brrraparazzi I once saw a sniper shoot through a photographer’s lens

The permissive aperture the dismissive snap of camera at the present danger

The slapped ham sound of bullied flesh, bits of matter afly like Gamera.

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