
Heads on sticks fester, house of Crimson Witch

She bids the Styx flows faster, her mushroom cap is pitch

For Cerberus, three collars new like fledging priests

Snow on Mount Erebus three colours blue like old heat

Trees coloured blue for an amethyst eye

Amorous tryst deny eye to eye, barefaced a knightly lie

To bloated self no bloat deny, Guinevere knights nightly lies

What secrets sleep when Arthur dreams, his ceaseless mutterings prophecy brings

Arthur his round table, his nemesis Morgana the great circle, links and rings and lithic things

Guinevere lady fair enough to ignoble, lanced a lot the riding crop with Launcelot in glade betrothed

Birds weight trees so many Thoths, her thoughts not of Arthur nor looking farther than her lover’s slather silvering his breasts like bathlather

Chords and pleated knotted tethers, no bed feathers for forbidden lovers exchanging letters

Explosive forbidden letters, wild is horse that knows no fetters, the fruit of his betters he savours

The sight of the letters exchanging one in court declaims him, Arthur waves his but the word alone defames him

Launcelot spins a vague one and makes out like one would frame him

Gazes frame him and space invade but he eludes disadvantage as he lance evades

His prize the babe before him Arthur’s wife.

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