Fire In A Comic Book Shop

Bearing ursinity with dignity, the great bear Baloo

“I wanna be like you oo oo ooh” 

Wrenches him from his jungle nook

Rage like man’s red flower he lashes out with power, lands with sound of closing book

Frenzied Japanese report that a giant bear and a giant mercreature are batting on the coast

Ursa versus Ursula, the bear’s force meets a great unfurling, restrictive tentacles curling where needed most

Strength for which he is hariolated, of which his kind boast, the warning claw of the lord of hosts

In ass bone shadow the soiled MAGs of his foes, unveiling death, throes

Casting bestials the Ogygian capability of Him splendrous, dips and throws

If Nimrod knew what Sages know, he knows that Time is beastly old

Recycling everything, like transformative sand aroll all gold, forgot my bottoms Bikini Atoll

Not a day for swimming cold, not a day for swimming at all, a thousand jellyfish like Cthulhu calls

A prayer circle of busted buildings flat as unleavened bread, heavened souls fled, a harried coast

That seashore strand promenade of ghosts

What death knows, the word he is told

He folds back his hood linen and attends every death; denippled gaels, presidents gnolled

Ursula shawled in death and prostrated on the coast, the grim victory dance of Baloo.

Table is solid but my mind is running like fallen fondue

Two straight shots of liquid microdot quail egg blue

Wanting to be slick, finger licks counting on spondoo

It’s not Scooby Doo, no chance I wanna know where are you, I’ll demask you

All along the outer nations, lines of battle like motifs in damask

You can run through the jungle but I’m running the jungle through

Give credence to the clear water wormwood, when wrathful vials unscrew

Don’t glance when Noah’s arse is out, waves against ark’s clinkered snout

Hammite curse, to serve sibling Nations who rule the Earth

Pentateuch full of profane postils, find out how the Dead Sea killed

Wrathful vial into ocean spills, one third of all of life is stilled

Warped worse than thalidomide, head of elephant pride

Put away inside, in my burlap hide

Churlish child I chide, home with a Merrick in

Godgiven freedoms denied, by every living thing deride

Jacent from his long arrest, his room four by six at best

Your plastic cordones won’t suffice when Doom’s ticking suspect device

Detonates and the dead numbering sumo wrestler’s intake of rice 

When the streets divide and the mains ignite and start belching flames into the night

Terror reigns, men will leave their bairns behind in preternatural fright

All the wardens where, power’s empty halls, the balanced scales and earls in flight

Nothing in marvel could hope to fight

Flames in the comic shops, the rares ignite and incited fires crawl the night

Covers spoil like a Stan Lee blade cut them, piles of Matt Murdock by oriflamme burnt up 

The fire murderous a murderess divesting scroll of ink, fire off like a model Krupp.

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