
Escape escape, any slack arm slit neck to nape

The eyes regarding him ape him, his coat a butcher’s apron held with tape

Escape escape or they’ll geld your pair! Escape escape vanity unfair!

Swift cut the melee’s coarse air

Acrid smokes and bodiless howls

Captain bloodied steers grim corsair

A course out. Neither surrender nor parlay for parliament’s owls

Parchment with his good name on, bounties a good share

The distant shore to either outer guides them out, oarsmen bowed faces cauled

His sabre with a thousand priors, whose statements set the widows crying

A sword of salt, veteran steel which a hundred crown assaults repealed

At its grim end carapaces are peeled, occulted meats revealed 

No gaol door will upon me be sealed, by this steel I will first be killed

His crew of course harbour no such wishes, loot the captain billed

As abundant is that on which their steering leans, their quotient filled.

Before the hull is filled, it fills up now with water dirty red from briney slaughter

Not since Salamis so many floating dead, boats atop the water at the death of Agamemmnon’s daughter

Plainly my rum jug hides no Djinn inside but if I could rub a jug and grab a genie, I would send Djinn to aid Iphigenia

Timbers lying in the swell like strange floating flowers, bloodstained ivory gardenia

His boat never backs up, his squall rider is a keen squaw

Its maw tastes the tides and myriad mapless ocean rides, cannonball

Dented hull, the force of law and hangman’s gall, all it takes and repels them all

Splinters his timbers shivering at the cannon shot, the cannonball is the avenging Gaul

Performing a swift Ceasarian on the opposing vessel, rain as Mary bawls.

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