Divine Dawn Vimy Ridge

Marching with the rank and file

Third trench Christmas, it’s all lasting a while.

Curios whittled on frontlines and letters from home on a table in a pile

Songs with similar airs performed in curious varied style

Sitting on hard benches, itchy bunioned with asses piled

Slapped knees and all at ease, dancing between the aisles

Lacking Venusian companionship, men dance together, smiling spun like dials

Spinning until they fade away, between the crosses miles and miles of aisles.

Limey slimy with muck stepping like a woman not yet veteran to her potency

Blimey even the Captain trying to catch his eye, lifting his head to say “try me”

Held sighs, the scythe the sight thereof; three knocks like the reaper’s arrival to joviality stymy

Slack aways every back straightening like a nervous disease

That airy ease those Christmas geese out cracked open windows flee

Filing out the dugout empties, feast for fleas 

With the comfort of crocodiles, hands extend to knees

Warm words, breath’s breeze, survive today survive with me

Blubbering some, all please and pleas on knees

What tetragrammaton decrees loop from which one cannot squeeze

Breath the simplest joy, placating as eastern teas.

Metatron frenziedly filling in his book

Herding in unwaries scarved by his crook

In Khaki his indistinguishable rank belying little of his famous wit, portly russophile Saki

Darkly darkly a Tommy rifles baccy but trifling Loki nearby alerts a rifleman

Lost ghost to a flame, scope framed, accosted at night like Purple Aki

“Put out that damn cigarette, man”

The man beside the author sprayed and shocked like Jackie

O Death triumphant, coin palm Hadesean catamaran

Cyclopean arch, flanked by corpses in piles

Third hairpin and five ahead still, the road will last forever

Marching with the rank and file.

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