Viaducts, tearful crying ducts

Handcuffed to a lectern with a borrowed tome

Working from home is home rule, that’s always rule of Rome 

Viaducts ferrying lead to the thirsty

Open mouthed congregation

Awaiting poisonous variegation

Sweeping boltgun irrigation, blindness to the eagle nation

A discus bet a throw I might, I take it like a catamite

Catapult it away out to the sea, where the brine smite

Stones wood and harbours krakens green as mustard light

Wilting the wishes, the hawthorne branches with hopes bedight

Springs a tiny snowflakeflower, awesome in its might

Thirty men with beer-proved bellies would not trim it, such their fright

Arched shadows from hulking waterbearer, Veined Gemini

Veins flushed with silver, glint of gem in eye, hundred facets I thousand die

Disbanding the regions the regent’s rise; the regime in remission

Remus and Romulus returned to the wolf mouth. Old campaign new missions

Coffers clanking in artist’s banks, vast illuminated commissions

Looming on highways, revelation of method, cold lipped demon lover

Red string wrist tie the hips of Madonna, red sky the blood spray the windhover

Take me to broadway, the fake meet where it’s fraught grey and applause offers soothsay

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