
Down a trainless station waiting bacon tooled up

Tonight’s big bust up, everything fussing, men fucked up to get brave

Big cutters wired up to packs, serrated blades like fern fronds

Gnashing teeth with Hope diamond strength, like a drip rapper eating you alive,

Something to combat Their terrifying ferrousity, those iron brutes.

Cadre of steel pimps, harem of erotic blenders with customisable pleasure dials and voice settings.

Riding out, emcee lionises instant death, neurasthenia inducing breakbeat

Sallying the gardenless backroads, gapless turnless cisroads to cesslands.

Slim passes, vast laybys like dogger’s dreams which feel haunted to everyone

There are no other vehicles, wondering have they left time

No nervous tittering in the APCs, Saturn not one for ribaldries

Silence for a time, tour of old murders, haunts and hollows choked with gang dead

Bandanas like polyester brands

Mounds off the main, pus filled boils fit to burst at the slightest, freeing miasms

Obese with congealment, alchemy of the midden, rise of the cackbergs

Sewers unfit for purpose, ill with plastic

Rivers of hardening menses bursting forth and fountaining violent umbrellas

To stave off horridity and putrefaction, realmabundant

Everyone in the kingdom must participate in the King’s new masque

Terrifying results of vast necromantic spell, stoving the heads, redeading the tubercular children returned.

Distant bass wobbling the hood, clods leaping up from the road

Signs everywhere, graffiti which initiates decode, twilight language of romantic american vagabond

Bidden by rhythms vast subterranean raves issue, twenty below like giant’s graves

Infamous projects breeding sedition, no flinching at the siren sound like plugged Ulysses

Training kicks in he trains his sights, solar scope dispelling night, in every corner danger sees

Their pulling up provokes choke dust to mushroom by the wheels

Chorus of distant guns priming, the wiley captain steels

Buzzing cutters brandished, scabbards with empty nest syndrome

Dust ghosting all around them; Dust, the peace of Rome

A piece of Rome at each of their necks, light golden touch against the spread legs of veeing collarbones

Their sword sounds like oncoming wasps sew alarm, the sound of movement at twenty paces

To off a bot keep a sure shot, before target lock ensures your holes are hot

Using a scroll wheel at his temple, he cycles through the light like a day tripper, pausing on a washed out St. Patrick’s Day green

Greened as false alchemy, the shamrock night’s ambient terrors are no longer bodiless

Way a shot man flounders like a fish, gawping to reclaim the air escaping his punctures

Way he bucks like a grappler mounted, at invisible death throwing kicks and punches

Life tightening in on itself, tiny mote of light surrounded and surrendering; slack cincture

Not so when a robot is hit, alloys longing out for lead, straight line mouths for bullet lunches

Bacon’s scarlet beam paints on bounty’s brow Arcturus

The target a target any target in his sights, he lines sights like itinerary following

Open space a lure he breasts a chest high wall. Signs: a child’s wailing on the wind then a woman sings.

Bascule of his fingers downs, c’mons, troop eyes the sky like at Mons

Out of cover springs, springs wires chains on cogs, eschatological pedagogues

In dismal cages, frothing chimaeras of iron, fur and teeth, blasphemous stieldogs

Creatures which creation denies, at war with the universe dancing with itself

Catches it, no clunch in it, bagged sure as a hit man shitself

Steaming cartridge vaults then stars down to Earth, gold capped Icarus

Neon bar sign for Delos, operational omphalos 

Runs crank and pimps human women

Two metal hands count money inside a bible-wallpapered side office

Pages describing heavenly beings coming unto the daughters of man

Seeing lice like a careless farmer; spies police, raises larma

Bullets concert the length of the square, packed audiences and scathing reviews

Makes his head the yoyo, bends it and forward rolls, springs with his hands, winters with his blade

Men who work for robots, kerosened the bronzemad fiends

Robot amount exceeding, Shaver Mystery feeling

Two robots emerge from a lane, one is hit

Other fain to run long like poulaine, shoots down a sideway as bullets from four ways eat sideways, where he stood is sent fiveways

Down that dull lane a clinic for murrains terminal

Small thing growing inside her, is but cannot be, schrodinger’s germinal

The afflicted, their self inflicteds ill depicted in the press; the scene depresses.

Hard to repress it, They will reprint it, her prince will go printless, no inn for a princess

Flesh old pain palimpsest, flesh a dry towel all good wrung from it

No room for machincest

Cap is after him like he’s coming next but profound stinging from his volar plex

Looking down sees his foot spiked through, Lancastrian gardens rosethorn sex

His stolen focus attending his agony’s locus, his pussing strider

Foot down like he’s giving gas, his sliced slider leaks ichor, in plain sight horseless rider

Snapshots what came before and what won’t be, cottage small orchard rewilded farm

That same bot reemerges heavily armed, Cap with no time for alarm is done harm 

His shelled up eggshell shirt turning red, makes a tudor rose

To fall again chewed up Cap arose

Like Lucifer who starred morning brang

Another. Whoosh his cutter, revolution of its teeth against plate clang

Rending squealing desperate sturm and drang

Bromides in his Captain’s ear, courageous boons to ease his fear

Solemn guard, full honours, well liked and well articulated by peers and subordinates

Weeping, widow decries mortal ineffability of divine plan

Tearfully points to a stained glass lamb, could He not arrange a kain

In place of her beloved, every syllable terse with pain

Fortune’s vicissitudes, how unlikely seem oncoming tragedies, forever after obvious

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