
Nothing plain about Megiddo 

Farplain midway devil o’er fiddles

Last day and first day reaching around

Forces cleaving the blue of the air, the horsemen four aground

A belfry with a tongueless bell, inside its shell a thing from hell, its servants girdled round.

What will the end look like

Suddenly, you’ll see it as if from far away

The end of your life, life the end of a gun

Big swirling black barrel beckoning.

Rooms of crap writers, can’t work lighter with cramp

Poor editors pouring over Ts of theirs, L Sprague De Camps

My segment isn’t over but I sense you decamp

Rounds with the champ, it’s clean out for a silkfisted scamp

Built different a Hawksmoor, something more, a hoarse roar, a blind glance

Stuck on my words like your wheels sport clamps

Between gulps of killered water, of oxgangs your laird boasts

Glistening are his hamhock hands, silvered by the roasts

Laird of lands, some, deny him not, but not a Lord of Hosts

Mound lord of heaped clay, whose slumber ties the restless ghosts.

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