
Minutes courting hours, men counting time

Elaborate astronomical devices

Saturnian monoliths, becogged, wrought of black iron and gold

They say Time is running out

Out of where?

Frogs who when submerged in boiling water leap

Content to languish in water brought slowly to boil

Great fire of time burning us away

Slow to start, our spark and warmth

That glisten in the eye, that heat of passion

That untended conflagration cannot sustain

Consuming itself into dust

Like opinion, time entirely subjective

Disregard then outside interpretation

Chronal stoicism, thou hadst turned thy clock face to me

Time a long tunnel life a clock tower

Mean Latino foreman who clocks the hours

The exact second that milk turns sour

Ours is the hour but second to none 

The day must be seized lest it escape like a banked fish

Keeping time, an oxymoron

Punctuality Saturnian trait but Mars is never late to war

Time dilates, eye or cervix of the great Mother

Time travels, swift heel of uberwillendorf

Time makes a child, makes a man, makes old men

Hastens death, Is Death

Orgasm to the eye: impossible to ignore Circe dancing, her pigs in rhythm 

Time eludes and distresses

Time abounds and distresses

Time flies drags passes flys slows to a crawl

Time may even stop

Subjective, relative, personal

Time’s beautiful library

Effortless alchemy of Time, changer transformer

Time mocker of assumptions

Time loathes an egg logged as a chick

Time loathes an egg ordered runny

Time pillar of architecture

Generational construction of myriad wonders

Splendorous cities, moonlike marble blazing before the Heavens

Aside the Heavens in glories

Dual Sphinxes, half submerged in Lake Moeris

Lost Time, Lands before Time

Labyrinths containing scrolls detailing all of Time

Aztec prison calendar, ceaseless weregild

Wheel of Time greased by human motion

Abjuration of time prison through inaction

Rebellion of stillness

River Time body boat to brace therewith

Awareness of infinity separation from animals, perhaps

Animals cannot communicate with human language

Animal rhythms delicately aligned to solar and lunar behaviors

Is Fox aware of infinity? Is Robin?

Doing Time, convict’s penance

Are not we all

Realization of a moment’s potential

Man and beast take advantage, seek advantage, await prey

Hope is an element of Time

Hope is assumption which Time permits

Temperance, the right time

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