
Gunman peering out from the attic windows of my mind

Barrel trained upon the station platform

Train barrelling along tracks, his trained barrel stationary

Platform civically politically, platform busy in train suspense

He dims the lights, trainlights stark in darkness highlighting doubles

Place of completed journeys, Zeus of disembarkation

Delighting in alighting flighting toward the flashing doors to parting tides

Pharaonic exit flanked by crowds eager to sit which Pharaoh’s kilt sat

Fuse alight already the ball rolling the wheels stilled the feet moving the machine printing thanking asking printing thanking

Thunking thudding thunderous pings shrill as iron crows, bullets realizing themselves ag’in’ the train’s flank

Cock ejects steaming slug carapace, golden and spent like a prodigal’s allowance

Pentacles of light, ferny fire at a bullet’s birth

Sound racing light as in a storm

Antecedent bullets discharging as their forebears strike home, struck and limp falling

Like bowling pins. Spare rifle spare shells

People below going spare, antlines tracing lemniscates in the deathzone

In finery clad bound for the Christmas pissup

Former and current colleagues reduced to puce mist

Antediluvian moments violent with puddling 

Glyphs etched out in blood

Offerings pooling in gaps between paving slabs

Moments of time reversed impossibly

Forcibly reversed, the screeching train coughs sparks

Screams consigned to the wind are recaptured

Bullets sucked backwards 

Flames which licked are stripped of sensory ability

Crammed back into the barrel 

Winking, God later averred that he was innocent of all charges

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