End of Days

Ezekiels battering the Earth

Lucifer’s light the second of heaven, flushing night’s cheeks with flowery shelta

Riven with age leaking molten ichor

Gloops of sun sweat sloughing

Great scyphozoa of fire

Like a scalding big top

Things immovable under universal laws, hardy solids

Reduce to bubbling heaps

Shattered facets argentify the heel cutting ground

Glass from shattering mirror on the carpet, argyropoeian votives

Judas’ ingots, creak of taut rope, creak of knee awkwardly bended

Rush of a river and angels of the end below

Rush of blood behind the eyes

Every window and mirror is broken, spelling endless misluck 

Misrule of nations from on high

Mist rolling undoing nations, poison in the sky

Mountains from the sky

Rotating so fast that observers reported them as stationary objects

Radars alive like Galaga cabinet screens before shorting out

Black disc of offed machine, Aztec scrying mirror

Mourn for what is gone

Lugubrious sons, strangers to yesterday’s vigor, 

Like clipped gulls floundering on Latin trawler’s deck

Bound for sun-mad captain’s stomach

Bean chaointe kneeling don’t mind her bad hips and sleepy foot’

To Mourne, mountains which remember recession 

Of Ice Ages

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