Dawn and Court

Moon drawn down, dual dawn

Quicksilver basilica 

Alabaster pate

Below, hydromania 

Selene’s suitors crane to meet her, crashing and pushing and collapsing

Eärendil with pleasure differed awaits the dischargement of her heavenly duties

Myriad dizzying rotations dormant, laden impatience

Listless, languid, She shivering shimmering Winter queen, 

White stripped bone bleached none of green, whims of crystal glacier queen

Her humors are the ages of ice, which undo history.

Bresting surfaces undulating horse eels

Half goat submerged, manifesting

A windless mountaintop

Diminutive facsimiles of triremes, magnificently rendered

A vast God-girdled gaming board

Destroyers set upon the sea

Bobbing noses elucidating distant blood in the waves

Loyal troops: eased, waved, deed done

The Destroyer set upon the sea

Venus in furlined basket

In Mother of Life, Mother and child inside woven basket float 

Wombs within wombs within wombs

Violent flows, tidal omens, moonbidden crests of waves, floods and flushes and flux

Dictys a fisherman his trailing nets tight as hangman’s rope

Amidship, midway on the tides

Amidst his catch the Child of flotsam

They do not know his destiny

Seeing organs which to stone turn men

Snaked gorgons in a midden den

Ram lord, April is the stubbornest month

Mendesians worship your image

Adorn with votive offerings

To propitiate you, whimful willful God

Child of the starry wheel

Doer, self, impatience.

Seven times he wonders

Expanse of sky lid of dome

Inside of skull seed and loam

Broad range of fractals, grid or ladder or helix strand

Diamonds freckling along a black velvet band

Void to void and worlds between

Stone river crossing

Expansive eye when pensieve I

Rhodes big in my mind’s eye

Roads extensive lie

Roads to Rome, rides to Rome which eternal lies

Rome which will never die

Sly stars shed spent glory

Duppy ghosts dead centuries now

Beckoning us unto great deep soundlessness

Unavoidable projection of meaning

Unavoidable projection of self, even out into the void of space, great empty auditorium

Subjective astral projectors.

Vast telescopes peering at faraway worlds

Finding shapes, earthworks, odd henges

Found to be Debris

Nothing more than space junk, earthmade

Art by collision, coincidental creation

The sun is nothing more than a theatre ghostlight 

Set to keep ghosts company,

The dead mothing in

Gideon Perseus stella confractus

Red pulses from the centre, struggling to hold, gives, fractures

Toward Earth its axis

Marshaled forces, Axis

Lictors brandishing fasces, stave bundled axes

Flotillas of Destroyers’ fins clustered at the channel mouth

Commandeering fuel for the war effort

Batwing sailed clinker built vampires

Porthole window eyes, unspeakable Balkan horror 

Fanged prow

Attaching to a host, embarking 

Enormous dark, night fattened upon itself

Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun


At dawn dawn birds matin

Soaring orisons

mellifluous Madrigals multi-toned

Nature scrupulous marchand

At first light wears proffered, fanned upon crumbled felt like pasteboards

Dawn’s herald

Sent lark out forth

Birds skewer at vermis, edictless

Steam founders open thermos

Kent Clark at Court

Limp banner between pillars, sword aloft

Seat in which Judge resides he sits upright


Pitted face unwholesome, sallow man law giver 

Fratricide jawbone blood in great rivers

Upright Justice presides, lips tight

Gavel strike thunders

His papers occupy his idle hands

Staring out, righteous judgement: a Virgo’s dream

Thorough. It is a Thursday, His day

Hammer hit thunders out

A roar for silence like a bomb for peace

Unclouded beholding 

Signifiers of uprightude: adjusts tightly folded legs, stiff hips and belt tight

Actual thorn in my side, grumbles.

Cacophony: Murmurs, guffaws, statements of certitude, much garbled signal nothingness

Potential-oozing chaos whipped from storm frenzy to sudden order

Men arising at his entry arose, Via Dolorosa

“Command no less”

Sweeps by, sits, gathers papers then straightens by bumping them clears throat clear as day 

A Lear awaiting speech, nothing will come of nothing

Except all material making up the known and unknown universe ex nihilo 

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