
House of God 

Exhibition of glory 

Sample of ambition

Statue of might 

Deviser of ways

Dream of Solomon

Belfry of the Seraphim 

Stable of productive mares

Library of timeless oaths 

Undeniable lightning once fallen

City spanning shadows

Spiked turret shadows tossed like oil in siege relief

Casting rooks along cobbles

Pulchritudinous oak invoking spires

An ear to the future

An eye to the past 

Over it eyes pass 

Cold flagstones, gilt braziers

Rotting flags forbidden to lower

Petrous wonder, conflicting seraphim of movement and stone

Harmonies of angle and theme and aspect and vision

Rousing altarpieces bidding supplication 

A glimpse while genuflecting

Golden candlesticks, thick as Joyce and scrubbed to polish

Solified reflection rebeholds

Mask of Agamemnon in pious repose

Arises, agapes, amens, achew, a seat, a sit, a sigh, amen. 

What else eats host? 

Stained glass windows scandalising sandal-scuffed flags with tarted light

Individuality, realisation of individuality

Imbued every stone

With paganism.

Car park full of Vimanas

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