Unvision at the horror inside the nursery

Ey on peakcapped driver slows his horse

Swan robed medicine men bind Fenrir

Mangan and Clare penning degenerate tracts 

A hole in a French wall which anarchic revolution miraculously sweeps by

Therein the imprisoned Marquis secreted his manuscript

Miniscule its script but gargantuan its sordidness

Uncouth clergyman keeps a copy of Shakespeare

Love who dares not speak its name

Feeding granny birdseed once senility makes its nest

Obscene vats of harvested cortisone 

Drenline tainted cutlets

Leopold Bloom the innards of birds and beasts

Beads of poison pock the beaks of Stymphalian birds

Orphic quest disruption and a long draught from the wrong river

Trapped in Norman Mailer’s idea of reincarnation

Evolutionary theory’s foetal form 

Metampsychosis, spinning magic lantern bird to beast

Descent in ascendance, moon in blood scorpio

Twelve rings wine swollen finger of fallen king

The corn stalks longs the scythe

The blood calls out for steel

Samara seesaw seen and saw it all 

An inquiry into steep insect decline, the winding down of insect time

The pyramid’s dry steps cry out for blood slicks

The sun has promised not to return

Shears to open the shooter’s locker

Idol made of hair, voodoo topiary

Punnets of plump bullets 

Grimoires full of crossed out names, Atlantean codices

Tupperware full of spoiled meat, unsympathetic magic

Pig the word of the Aeon

23 downed craft form an undersea ring

Tarrare elected world emperor

Abligurition and esculent profligacy

Admix of intercourse

Adlect to popehood an Antichrist

Talced by buxom mother, my god mycol Deep inside the garlanded temple festooned with fluttering tasseled glories 

A solemn, somber adytum containing a blood filled bowl

A scorpion bisecting a flower with its claws

Aeon of Horus, conquering child has tantrum had and toys all wants

When rich profit madly and poorest die starved, Elect(ed)feasting upon leviathan

Abocclusion, upper and lower teeth do not touch during biting

Astronomers christen the doomsday comet Urania after their muse

Called down to earth by their ritual scanning, scraping the underside of our lid 

Firmament glass foggy with fingerprints and curious breath

Cracking fingers loudly desperate for brotherly attention

Air acerbated by ceaseless feckless comment 

Tethys the amniotic river

Orphic quests fulfilled in carriage

All rivers given birth simultaneously

The tearslick faces of Saturn’s moons sway to ritual music 

Useless space, planets God’s ornaments

Ennui, house covered in masterworks none pleasing to their sole beholder 

Hesychia, that stillness and silence which in deserts abound and which desert fathers sought, standing waters of the mind

Accumbent, ancients at mealtime 

Telesm, magical amulets

Lyrian brooks hidden herons 

Uncia the Roman inch

Rome in a second, the Sun and Moon and Stars in a day

Shishya in the mountain temple

Esoteric sponge, floating master humbly rakes stones

Deworming ritual bound corpses with goosefoot leaf

Animals acting strangely to warn us of alien infiltration are ignored, scolded, punished and, in some cases, put to sleep

Nomenclature of the genesis 

Umbra compels us to die

Parsons is 58 meat 

Mundus planet Mundus planet Mundus

Elephant footprints in the Golgothan hills

Giant skeletons in the butter

Vintners in the mineshaft, gas tasting

Canaries at convention, sampling experimental wines

Bishop die fighting blaze 

Ten firefighters collared in occult sex magick rentboy shocker

Logismoi lured into a mirror in a suburban psychomanteum

Breakdown whilst shaving morning of son’s graduation, utterly surpassed

Molded Centaur artwork excavated, accidental prophecy

Future Archaeologists, vexatious discovery of mircoplastics horse

Commanche development, leapfrog art equine mastery archery

Stone age childmind bruisers armed with stone axes and given to frenzy and rapine, graceful on horseback

Impossible mastery of horses, newly encountered animals, instant kinship

Astral encounter, the strength of horses 

Horse the universal battering ram

Adopt the repose of abuser

Hylic inquiry misbecomes querent in eyes of sagely tutor

Xanthippe wife of Socrates, byword for henpecker

Tony Soprano’s wife 

An anubis this Xanthippe, trier of souls

Tester testes testosterone throne

If I can find ground nightly with this typhoon woman I might find ground with any thing that walks upon this earth

Sleights vile enough to misbecome mighty senders

Paris Louvre will shake for it

AI has arrived White Grail Holy Whale: Call me email

A bucket of guts our luck was tucked in but a nantucket man took it 

Book a seat Fuck Christ’s feet 

Wash the car Start world war 3

Commamche horse companion white 

man’s blood fill holy canyon

Bill the Pony sent home at Moria

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

Dulcify with perfume the fetid morgue

Dulcimer on which she played, abyss aiwass bayed

Battle of floated midway on the sea

Shadow of the domestic violence of pleasure

Second best bed bequeathed to Og of Bashir

Aleister Crowley jigging on the lunar surface, Jack Parsons got me here

Thai boys innocence stolen Balance the artful queer

Cow loathe going unmilked

Blood drenched purple Ceasar’s silks

Son murdered for planning wedding on weekend of your uncancellable obligation

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