Deep Assignments Run Through All Our Lives

Old Troy of the DMP 

Old Troy a ruin, a heap 

Middens where stood temples, among motionless flagless priapic poles

Ropes pulled down the stone sword of Aries

Broken on the broken flags 

A millennium of shards

Stone flood spreading outward across the floor 

Across the world a milipedinous avatar of concrete twists itself

Bookbinder A labyrinth of boundaries, weeping John Clare lotused at its heart glade 

The law cannot act lawlessly

Lawless bad flawless good

In one book everything which a right man should

 Do it

Judges in judgement, what a judge meant 

By a glance.

Breadcrumb trail to a colony sent

Travelyan’s wall prohibits entry to the fields 

Corn King cannot live past midnight

The corn is not stolen, the young will see their forbidden tomorrow and loathe the rotting bulkhead of the future 

James Shelby Downward spiral

Circling the drain Huntress rosins a shaft

Twangs bowstring

Draws it back, tensile

Potential energy

Nine times drawn, enneagram 

Apostasy the prayer of disruption

Sacred lambs sheared like French women

Who found lebensraum in their flowerbeds

Sheep dipped the sacred lambs

Propping up the bar in Salon Kitty

Rainy Berlin made of glass

Vice sensitive rat noses twitching by the dusty grilles above 

Bucktoothed angels Twilight messages occulted into newspaper headlines 

Deep assignments from the reality handlers, gnostictok

Deep time whispers from ageless sages

Moth beacons for the deranged, the mentally ill

Ritual king killing near Freddy’s turf 

Strange seeds give forth strange fruit

Multicoloured hippies festooned with ribbons like hawthorne branches

Agents of alienation, against that which came before 

New modes, curious arts, urgies and urges and orgies

The potent sperma, presidential Ichor

Mondo Paranoia, devilish sympathies 

All of us Children of the Corn King

Grim reliquaria for Elm Street mudlarkers

Myroblitic chunks of dead president 

Our Rag and Bone man’s pillbox hat 

Pink blazer hides the brainsplatter

A death whose ritual potency grants powers of flight

Soap box derby rockets, flapping cardboard clinker built, all crooked nails and duct tape bandolier

Pearlescent and forbidden Selene’s grotto, stellar clitoris

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