The Beginning

A citadel concealed by clouds 

Nimbus caul around Olympus

A covering worn like a shroud 

Through bores a sage caught glimpses. 

Dark buffeting solar winds

Void, matte black then time begins

Gardens which will host many sins

Are yet seeds, strands that Norns will tend. 

Seas with witch hat sharkfins in

Down below and dark within

Cruel nursery, lightlings enrolled therein. 

Air vents bellow out sulfurcine

Yet Life blooms, infant impossibline.

Meaning, meaning to be gleaned.

Burgeoning world, not yet unclean. 

War, war against life internecine

For all eternity. 

A turning key A burning sea

A tourniquet of topaz emerald green

Fostering forces intercede in

Sick are we, thin, mouth backward devil’s sick of sin

Odds more than slim. 

Beginning they call it a bang

More like a shockwave, a bounce a boomerang

Undulates through outer space, against the fringes bangs

Where the frigid fright plain hangs, twangs

And back again, of this one thousand songs are sang

Signs, old synes Laing

High Rise, sun orange as powdered tang

The wide span spinning the boomerang

Returns where it went from, waiting hand

When like projections upon the clouds the signs of end times are sighted:

When florid love languishes unrequited 

When joyous songs by shellsong quieted 

When rascals are by villains knighted 

When cut is nose so face is sleighted 

Wielding the word

Welded the world 

Space of a week 

Work rate is absurd

Scientician engineer poet artist

Solar sojourn Antipodes United

Land sky divided jeweled dome presided 

Metatron’s cube is many sided

Father’s words are often cited

In fear and lust can lips be bited

When fear rules hate love is tithed

The moments in between 

Forging wonders not since seen

Two stones two, Urim and Thummim

He set the sun backward, an early test

Better eastern rising, setting to the west

Sunless and sinless, nothing yet to confess

Yet the sun as it processed

Drew quarrel and protest

Agents yet in wake, of quarrel and of distress

Who saw the new king’s glorious march as announcement of contest:

The embers of stars were kindled 

All the frigid fringes alight

Farplains strangers to day dwindled

Until all were kin to light

Six days labor one days rest 

Rest day favored, among them blessed 

But midway a moment when all was mess 

Abominates did writhe from cess

Rabid things, horror undressed

Torn apart the nugget that was the limbless bride and her red dress 

Confused but not concerned the Avanc attempts redress

Inching dismembered limbs closer toward the corpse with bloody heels, floor a mess

Up with the lark a mudbank tending

Mudlarking the Thames a lark ascending

Descending on a spiral slide

Moloch demands infanticide

A stave outside

Land is the bride 

Dragonflight the ammonite glints crystalline in candlelight 

Dark and rare the dark delights

Traumatic, the second sight

Pyrite the fire rock 

Keyless the Father’s lock. 

When an elephant is hunted I engage in taboo acts. 

When a griffin dies at spearpoint the coward knight sighs, can relax. 

Dust on church spire Pagan themed the tire fire 

Sacrosanct beneath mudbank

Boneful lair of the Avanc 

To high heaven stank

A warren rank, sharpened jaw as shank

The shambler shambles beaches embanks

Saddam whose coffers and cruelty outweigh his sense 

Advances a plan, a folly, rich man’s plan 

Restore the former glory of Babylon

Its impossible garden’s arid fronds

Below the diamond veins gold, silver, bronze

Gems aligned to the preference of the skies

To contractors, nepogism, large sums are given

Great bores in the sand are riven

Thousand eyed the spawn of flies emerges, snarl and snout

Out from long slumber

Out from their redoubt

As to their cruelty harbor no doubt

Innocent childcheek reddened with clout

Tears held back like combat eager friend, to the lip a parkinson pout

Agape hellmouths agape 

The camp leaders know the evil and dare not speak its name, reports denied

Murder, botheration, crimes, even rapes 

Increase tenfold in the workers camps, a place of lout apes 

Says the fireman, it is the character of the men and not the influence of this place

Yet at night the sky and all of space 

Slithers here. A cone of spiraling stars 

A ruined altar top, a conference of adders, pledges to daring Mars

Known to their seers as Nergal, progenitor of war

Stella Martis the star of Mars winks upon the thrice wrong whore. 

Dust dances and the day’s dark dances are divined

The seer is seen to add ungent to his sweet wine 

Pungent this powder allows his seeing and freed of being, he takes a seat reclines and watches the ceiling

The foreman asks whether the old Gods who reside in the scree wish for Babylon to be rebuilt

By whose decree

Babylon city of cities, great city 

Great army of upright lions, bred without pity

100 meters tall the spire rises at its center, manhood of Marduk

Twice daily blood rites to bless its stones, in which Kings partook

Sand the thief of nature, each grain a Loki

Swallowed the tower whole, thou should never know thee

Saddam without a Nimrod felt lonely

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