

Anticipating vindication for spurned scientist upon discovery of Porkverse.

Startling discovery astounds.

Astounding discovery startles.

Science shocked to its zygotically pagan core .

Punctures limited thinking.

Reintegration of ancient ways.

Ultimate vindication of hermetic schools.

The human element of the scientific apparatus, like Shem seeking Sheol, will pile pork upon their plates.

Expired universal models will be ignobly dumped like so many truckloads of Atari cartridges against a John Ford background, or like the abortive detritus of yesteryear deposited on the shale, still gorehot, by the rude worker.

Baby won’t be borne out on bathwater. Worlds and particles thereof touch and interact in complex ways, that’s still well and good. Everything to do with multiverse theory stays exactly the same except in the staging environment of the human mind, where it is to be conceived as a cosmic straight line upon which the spinning worlds are linked together like a sausage chain. Puckered knots bind one pork portal to another.

Meat leys without discernible start or end points. High salt content in the environment, penetrating the very aethyr of the worlds, accounts for the entropy toward which everything in every realm tends.

We are not the duke’s favorite flowers carefully planted in imported soil, fed milk by pipette, given name, offered ode. No no. We are children of salt licked to life by sacred cows. We are mandrake shapes incarnated by mistake. Sodium Chlorideation.

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