Dulce(t) Tones

I read a piece which posited that cattle mutes are a US military front for cander testing cattle lymph nodes in areas which were more irradiated than publicly recorded during the boom nuke testing years.

I also read Vallee’s book Trinity around the same time, which concerns Vallee and another journalist questioning a witness about a UFO incident that occurred 70 years beforehand, asking what I would term leading questions.

Details of the UFO crash and materials which fell out and were handled by local townspeople, and even used as Christmas decorations in subsequent years, are the least interesting aspects of the book. What intrigued more is Vallee’s long reminiscences on the testing of the first nuclear bomb and the experiences of the hyper-intelligent cabal of scientists living out on a ranch in the desert, which more than any other building sees form obscure function; a simple wooden house, no frills, for the completion of the Great Work of Alchemy.

I’m going off on asides but Vallee weaves this thread about dangerous nuclear materials and hazards, the first ever US atom test being detonated from the wrong height which assured a widespread, more than had been speculated, dispersion of highly toxic materials which was covered up. Based on this miscalculation, the military actually changed the detonation height when they nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ostensibly to lessen the destruction the bombs would wreak,

The man interviewed about his experiences in a crashed alien craft, which was stripped by military forces over a period of days, also expounds on spiking cancer rates in his own community, his recollection of the blind terror when the first nuke detonation occurred, and the blinding white light which broke the porous timbers of his humble home.

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